Waves Unit

Are you looking for ways for your students to authentically engage in the scientific practices? PEER Physics curricular resources and pedagogical approach provide teachers with tools and support to facilitate students building models from evidence.

In the Waves unit, students establish principles about sound and light and apply these principles to an anchoring phenomenon about cell phones and communication.  Students build and apply evidence-based models of sound waves and then compare wave characteristics and models for light and sound before deepening their model for light to include interference and photons.

We’ve released our entire Waves unit for free!  Student facing materials may be downloaded and distributed in educational settings. This includes all laboratory activities, the anchoring phenomenon, 3D assessments and rubrics, and the engineering design challenge.  The teacher’s guide and  asynchronous PD modules are also freely available on this website through the PEER Physics copyright.

Start Here: chapter overview

Your path to implementation starts here with general information about PEER Physics and all of the resources you’ll need to teach Chapter W – Waves.

Activity Summaries

Get Prepared: professional learning

PEER Physics is not your typical physics curriculum!  We’ve found that teachers who participate in PD have a significantly better experience.  Work through this module to improve student experience.  Additional modules coming soon!

Explore the Pedagogy: Teacher Resources

These resources provide more than just a general implementation guide… here you can explore the PEER Physics Learning Cycle, norms and roles, protocols, and much much more.  We recommend you fully explore these resources before beginning with PEER Physics and as you go.

Dive into the Chapter: curricular resources

Sound and light are the gateway for students to build and apply their understanding of wave properties.  Throughout the unit, students apply principles about waves to the phenomenon of cell phones and communication.

Follow a manual added link

“If we see ourselves as predominantly teachers of curriculum – even exemplary curriculum – we have forgotten half of our professional role. We are teachers of human beings. The essence of our job is making sure that the curriculum serves as a catalyst for powerful learning for our students who, with our guidance and support, become skilled in and committed to the process of learning.” – Tomlinson & McTighe

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Access student and teacher guides, experiment videos, assessments, and more!
