Curricular Resources
Student and teacher resources for engaging students in making claims from evidence and developing core concepts in a laboratory-based physics classroom.
Professional Learning
Facilitated opportunities for teachers to learn to cultivate and assess cutting-edge, three-dimensional learning within a collaborative learning community.
Learning Together
Working collaboratively to develop teacher, coach, and administrator expertise in order to sustain long term implementation and impact.
PEER Physics Mission
The PEER Physics mission is to engage students in doing science in the classroom and developing scientific principles from evidence. This process of scientific induction provides opportunities for students to engage in discussions involving shared observations, explanations, models, and consensus. In this environment, all students are invited into the learning community and provided an environment to learn. Inclusive learning environments that shift some authority from the instructor to the students can increase student access to science discourse and practices.
“Students were finding the answers without me telling them. It was much more meaningful and led to greater retention with my students. I saw the confidence in my students grow.”
“The greatest thing is that if my claims are wrong, there is always encouragement to try and gather new evidence or to think of new ideas. This is how learning in the science classroom should be done.”